After finishing the two Medieval novels The Decameron (~1351) and The Canterbury Tales (~1385-1400), I got the itch for more and so found my copy of Le Morte d’Arthur (~1468-1471). My brother gave me this copy long ago, I think just after he left the Army. The stories are dense (one page could fill several movies) and told very plainly, less literary and more just an enumeration of events. This will be slow going. The Tale of King Arthur is the first of eight groups of stories.
- The Tale of King Arthur
- The Tale of King Arthur and the Emperor Lucius
- The Tale of Sir Launcelot Du Lake
- The Tale of Sir Gareth
- The Book of Sir Tristram of Lyoness
- The Tale of the Sangreal
- The Book of Sir Launcelot and Queen Gwynevere
- Le Morte d’Arthur