Coronavirus – Mon 23 Mar 2020 – start of the second week of home isolation, failed stimulus, HCQ lies, sacrifice old people

The Republicans on Sunday night tried to pass a stimulus package that in large part give money to corporations with no oversight or transparency for six months, no restriction on executive bonuses (?!?), and only a one-time payment to individuals. Sen. Warren Explains Why She Voted Against Stimulus Plan from Morning Edition explains:

The taxpayer has a right to know that if the Trump administration wants to hand out $450 billion dollars in a bailout to corporations, that money has got to help workers. … The current proposal is far worse than the worst critique of Bush’s 2008 bank bailout.

Mitch McConnell held a vote this afternoon whose outcome he knew would not change from the previous night.

How hospital regions would fill their beds if 40% of adults are infected over 6 months (from Are Hospitals Near Me Ready for Coronavirus? Here Are Nine Different Scenarios.)

I’ve been in an online “discussion” (ahem) with someone pushing the HCQ line that, coincidentally, That Guy is also pushing. Yelling “cure!” prematurely is the same tactic as yelling “hoax!” after the problem’s been entrenched for two months: both are an attempt to minimize the lifetime of the problem and so create the appearance of a quick resolution.

From American Association for the Advancement of Science: Coronavirus: Some Clinical Trial Data, 19 Mar 2020. All of the studies involved <50 people with non-rigorous conditions, and many patients dropped out before completion. Lopinavir/ritonavir had 35 patients HCQ had 26 patients. The author’s assessment of HCQ:”This by itself is not enough to recommend that people start using this combination – again, it’s a very small trial and open-label at that.”Still, all are available for compassionate use.

From Oxford University Press: In Vitro Antiviral Activity and Projection of Optimized Dosing Design of Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), 9 Mar 2020. Concerning the relative affectiveness when comparing HCQ against the more virulent CQ. Again, a small test.

States work to limit prescriptions of potential coronavirus drugs.

Updated the next day: “Huge! Results From Breaking Chloroquine Study Show 100% Cure Rate For Patients Infected With The Coronavirus.” from PolitiFact. False.

Trump is rushing to have people go back to work against all medical advice, presumably in hopes to jolt the economy, not realizing that the economy needs healthy, non-dead workers.

Why you must act now: Georgia


Post-press conference:

Lt. Gov. of Texas Dan Patrick–following Trump’s lead–suggests that older people (“grandparents”) should get back out into society to stimulate the economy and save it for their grandchildren, even if it costs them their lives. Liberals: sacrifice some comforts to save the environment for future generations; Conservatives: sacrifice your lives in the service of capitalism.

Dios castiga pero no a palos.

Networks begin freezing him out, CNN spokesperson: “If the White House wants to ask for time on the network, they should make an official request. Otherwise we will make our own editorial decisions.” (via @oliverdarcy). Follow up: An MSNBC spokesperson tells me that the network cut away after over an hour because the info no longer appeared to add value pertaining to ongoing discussion on public health.

No Fauci once again, probably because of this interview.

In my newfound hypochondriacal state, I am over-aware of any coughing, odd feelings in my chest (“is this the start of shortness of breath?!”), stuffy nose. On my 3-in-the-afternoon walks around the neighborhood, the few people out are finally trying to avoid me as much as I them. I’m hearing more ambulance sirens than usual through the neighborhood. Or am I? A couple of tasks remaining for the bathroom renovation. I gave the contractor an out for as long as needed if any of the workers are concerned.