Art in the time of hate

From Ian Pace’s blog:

English Country Tunes is what I collected together in the summer of 1977, as impressions of what was going on. I didn’t live too far from Lewisham where there were riots , so all of that was noise going on while I was trying to write.

Interview between Ian Pace and Michael Finnissy on English Country Tunes, February 2009
Continue reading Art in the time of hate

Coronavirus – Wed 13 May 2020 – The spread

Over the past week, I’ve started having dreams overtly about the virus and am surprised it hasn’t happened sooner. Maybe covert manifestations–stressful dreams, rudderlessness–were occurring prior. We went to the drive-in on Saturday for a friend’s birthday and so my visit, masked, to the bathroom there has had me hyper-aware of any physical quirks that may-or-may-not actually be manifesting.

The White House is infected.

Continue reading Coronavirus – Wed 13 May 2020 – The spread

Coronavirus – Wed 6 May 2020 – Open it up

This is the month where states are starting to open up even as cases and deaths are steady or increasing. Today Kemp–considered the worst governor along with DeSantis of Florida–warned that the cases were increasing in Georgia. He who followed what Trump wanted and was immediately stabbed in the back (“I disagree with him on what he is doing, I think it’s too soon.”).

Continue reading Coronavirus – Wed 6 May 2020 – Open it up

Coronavirus – Sat 25 Apr 2020 – Where we’ve been

My first post was on Thu 12 Mar 2020, six weeks two days, when the president made his first address on the virus. It’s not easy to remember what’s changed.

6 weeks ago

12 Mar 2020 – My first post and this was fucking deep into the problem. At the start, it was mishandled and downplayed by Trump. Govt studies and deliberations were being marked as classified. Racist terms were being floated to distract. Italy is imploding. NBA asshole Rudy Gobert acts like an idiot and causes the shutdown of all sports.

15 Mar 2020 |16 Mar 2020 – My company starts working from home. Airports overrun by arbitrary shutdown causing untold infections. Massive state-by-state shutdowns begin (schools/bars/restaurants). Bernie and Biden debate. DJIA tanks.

18 Mar 2020 – Growth starts looking exponential. I start documenting numbers and projections.

Thu 19 Mar 2020 – Continued racism from the president. Attacks on media as cause/source (?) of virus. Favipiravir/remdesivir/HCQ as potential treatments? China emissions down 25%. 13k US infected.

Sat 21 Mar 2020 – More lies from the pres: no testing, no medical ships, no Google website, and his preemptive shilling of HCQ does not look good. Our numbers start looking worse than other countries.

Mon 23 Mar 2020 – Republican passes stimulus that ends up benefiting large corporations. More proof of HCQ failure.

Tue 24 Mar 2020 – Medical teams discuss morality of choosing who dies.

4 weeks ago

Mon 30 Mar 2020 – Time line of this all went wrong.

Wed 1 Apr 2020 – Are masks useful?

Thu 2 Apr 2020 – Kemp sez he just now learned about asymptomatic infection.

2 weeks ago

Sat 11 Apr 2020 – Govt is stealing supplies from the state; SCOTUS allows people to die in the Wisconsin primary; Nichols: “With each briefing, Trump is making us worse people.”

Now (Sat 25 Apr 2020)

Wed 22 Apr 2020 – Battle for the shutdown, astro-turf to “re-open”, and ???s as to whether we have “contained the virus” (we have not).