31 July 2004

They are a lie

Over at Esquire, Ron Reagan Jr. has an ... unfriendly characterization of Bush and his administration.

A quick summary with some quotes:

Page 1: Scathing invectives against all things Bush,

It's one thing to get trashed by Michael Moore. But when Nobel laureates, a vast majority of the scientific community, and a host of current and former diplomats, intelligence operatives, and military officials line up against you, it becomes increasingly difficult to characterize the opposition as fringe wackos.

Page 2: The lie of the Iraq war, Iraq's threat, and the Fox/Bush fear mongering:

ALL THESE ASSERTIONS have proved to be baseless and, we've since discovered, were regarded with skepticism by experts at the time they were made. But contrary opinions were derided, ignored, or covered up in the rush to war. Even as of this writing, Dick Cheney clings to his mad assertion that Saddam was somehow at the nexus of a worldwide terror network.


The neocons no doubt appreciate that few of us have the stones to practice the New Warfare. Could you slip a pair of women's panties over the head of a naked, cowering stranger while forcing him to masturbate? What would you say while sodomizing him with a toilet plunger? Is keeping someone awake till he hallucinates inhumane treatment or merely "sleep management"?

Page 3: Bush's habitual lying,

There is a surreal quality to all this: Occupation is liberation; Iraq is sovereign, but we're in control; Saddam is in Iraqi custody, but we've got him; we'll get out as soon as an elected Iraqi government asks us, but we'll be there for years to come.


Scenario typical of the 2000 campaign: While debating Al Gore, Bush tells two obvious—if not exactly earth-shattering—lies and is not challenged. First, he claims to have supported a patient's bill of rights while governor of Texas. This is untrue. He, in fact, vigorously resisted such a measure, only reluctantly bowing to political reality and allowing it to become law without his signature. Second, he announces that Gore has outspent him during the campaign. The opposite is true: Bush has outspent Gore.

Page 4: Bush's habitual lying during 9/11 and how honesty would have been just as easy,

  • That Air Force One flew to Nebraska the morning of 9/11 because of specific threats (there were none),
  • That the "Mission Accomplished" banner was the sailors' idea (it wasn't),
  • That no one could have imagined terrorists using aircraft as weapons (they did, and they warned the president specifically)

Page 5: Is Bush stupid or just lacking any desire to think?

That base also encompasses a healthy share of anti-choice zealots, homophobic bigots, and assorted purveyors of junk science. Bush has tossed bones to all of them—"partial birth" abortion legislation, the promise of a constitutional amendment banning marriage between homosexuals, federal roadblocks to embryonic-stem-cell research, even comments suggesting presidential doubts about Darwinian evolution.

[ posted by sstrader on 31 July 2004 at 2:49:55 PM in Politics ]