6 March 2008


Overheard on the The Brian Lehrer show this morning on WNYC from a caller describing the consumer and new media: the deer have guns now. He couldn't remember the source, but there are many references to Gordon Borrell, CEO of the online market research company Borrell Associates, using the phrase What do you do when the deer have guns? Get into the ammunition business. Just searching for any of the variations on the deer phrase brings up interesting media tracking sites: unmediated, TV News in a Postmodern World, Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog, Social Media, etc. This is a good spelunking technique I hadn't thought of: in order to find sites that cover a specific area of interest, search for a notable quote from that area.

[ posted by sstrader on 6 March 2008 at 1:48:52 PM in Culture & Society ]