27 November 2008
Paprika (4/5)
[ IMDB | Rotten Tomatoes ]

Saw this refd with Perfect Blue [ 3/5 | IMDB | Rotten Tomatoes ] and admired for its cyberpunk cred. Ultimately for me it was Bergman's Persona (an epitome of postmodern genre) writ in kana and top notch anime. It felt like GitS: Innocence + Miyazaki + Bergman. Animation spoke to the narrative and the narrative referenced the relationship between a virtual world (email, IM?) and the psychological world. There is so much cheap and so much insightful within this film that I forgive the cheap. Honestly, there were so many cultural references that I'm not sure I really understood.
Give it a try, and you'll have the same mixed admiration.
[ posted by sstrader on
27 November 2008 at 12:02:36 AM in Cinema
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