28 September 2011

Currently reading

Picked up this set while browsing B&N. Pulpy, fun story that deals with a post-nuclear terrorist world and is centered around one of the few untouched cities--London--which is now a megalopolis called The Metrozone. The terrorists who took down the world were non-specific religious armogeddonists. When the US is mentioned it's described as a xenophobic and thinly veiled theocracy, so nothing much has changed. The main character is a Russian physicist/badass whose exploits are far less believable than even pulp should allow. Still, enjoyable enough to keep me through the set.

Equations of Life
Equations of Life; Simon Morden
Theories of Flight
Theories of Flight; Simon Morden
Degrees of Freedom
Degrees of Freedom; Simon Morden
[ posted by sstrader on 28 September 2011 at 2:01:59 PM in Current Interests , Language & Literature ]